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JULY 19TH - 24th 2023


Super-soul VibeUP is the first in The VibedUP Life Series.

This 15-day program aims to uplift your mind and body, improve your overall well-being, and help you manifest your aspirations by deliberately shifting the narrative and redirecting your path. The program provides daily principles, affirmations, and mindfulness exercises, along with a live chat every five days to share your progress.

This programme comes with a journal to help you document your process and express yourself using the journal prompts without holding back for fear of shame and judgement.


Personal growth and development: Engage in daily self-reflection and journaling exercises that will help you identify your limiting beliefs, cultivate a positive mindset, and develop a growth mindset.


Make small changes in how you see and experience the world, which can ultimately help you become your best self.

Open to anyone, regardless of their level of spirituality, and provides a chance to appreciate the good things in life, practice gratitude, and reaffirm goals.

Choose Yourself

If you truly desire to make a significant transformation in your life, discover your true calling, and put forth the necessary effort for personal healing and development, then Choose Yourself.

Keep in mind that the universe is closely observing you, and all the solutions you seek are well within your grasp.

From Neglect to Self-Care: A Holistic Workshop on Nurturing Your Mind, Body, and Soul

This workshop is designed to help individuals who struggle with self-neglect to prioritize self-care and improve their overall well-being. Through a holistic approach, participants will learn practical skills, tools, and techniques to care for their mind, body, and soul.

In this workshop, we’ll cover:

  • How to identify and manage your self-neglecting tendencies so they don’t become controlling or consuming
  • The best ways to set boundaries around your time and energy so that you have time for self-care without feeling guilty or overwhelmed by responsibilities
  • Identify personal patterns and behaviours that contribute to self-neglect.

Self-care is a critical aspect of holistic living. That’s why we’ve created this workshop, filled with practical advice, tools and techniques that will help you nurture your mind, body, and soul. What are you waiting for?

Come join us today!

Reserve Your Spot

July 17th 2023

What Participants Say

''VibeUP was a healing process from within, that opens you up to love, light, and positive thoughts and energy that I never knew that I possessed. It made me understand that I am a magnet and what I choose to attract, is what the universe would bring my way."'
Lagos, Nigeria
''The Vibe Up programme was a new experience for me. It was refreshing. It came at a time when I was rediscovering myself, and it served as a lifeboat that kept me afloat. I’ll keep using the affirmations and revisiting the workbook even as I grow.''
Lagos, Nigeria
''Vibeup has been going so great, it’s helped me set clear intentions for the day and follow through. I’ve actually been waking up earlier, which is new to me, so I can prep and set. Also, I’ve reflected harder on myself each day and dived deeper into things that I feel I’ve done that self-sabotage or just mental blocks.''
Hampstead, London


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